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Alberto Rodríguez Serrano (Madrid, December 19, 1988). He began his career in the world of art as a child, being his first memories between pencils and paints.

After basic education, he entered the Faculty of Fine Arts at the UCM (Complutense University of Madrid). He graduated with honors with an average of 9.2 (outstanding, A) in the second cycle of the career, specializing in Fine Arts, and obtaining numerous honors among which we can highlight: Natural Drawing, Photography, Anatomical Drawing, Intaglio Engraving and Printing Techniques, among others.

He received an honorable mention in the form of a diploma awarded by the Drawing Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid for anatomical works and studies given to National Heritage.

He  finished his university stage as a collaborator as an assistant professor at the UCM in the lessons of Lithography.

At the same time he studied at the National Coin and Stamp Factory (like the US Mint). Diploma in printing techniques, intaglio engraving and graphic design. (This previous recognition is currently equivalent to a Master’s Degree. Currently called: “Master’s Degree in Graphic Printing Media, Illustration and Artistic Coining”. Union between the National Coin and Stamp Factory – Royal Mint (FNMT-RCM) and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). Title delivered by hand by Her Majesty the Queen of Spain Doña Sofía.


He studied for a year at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence (Italy). During the stay he obtained 30 LODE (maximum honorary degree equivalent to honors degree in Spain) in all subjects taken during his stay.Degrees obtained in:Painting,Artistic Drawing,Foundry and Applied Morphological Anatomy.


After studies, in 2012, he worked as a collaborator of the National Coin and Stamp Factory in the coin department. Whose work was to make silver coins for commemorative and collecting purposes.

At the same time he was co-founder of the Estudio Taller de Arte Esbozos. School and art academy. Where he taught drawing, photography and airbrushing for two years. He used these two years to create and form the artistic works that he would later use to develop in the art world at a professional level.


From 2014 to 2019, the artist’s presence can be considered as largely international. He collaborated with numerous galleries located in countries on four continents, such as Spain, Italy, United States, China, New Zealand, Colombia, Poland, Puerto Rico and Panama, among others.

Throughout these years, in addition to his commercial success, he has had many noteworthy achievements. Among all of them we will list the most characteristic ones:

-He has collaborated numerous times with other sectors. In the fashion world, especially in Fashion Week. Deep collaborations in the world of wine, painting what is probably the most expensive bottle of wine in the world with a current value of $300,000 (bottle of Hilario Garcia’s AurumRed winery).Or serving and supporting with rights and images to public and private entities, economically and socially.

Above: Presentation of the «Phi» collection, with fashion designer María Lafuente at Fashion Week Madrid. 2014.

Left: «Ars Gratia Artis» 2017 exhibition. Together with the Chinese diplomatic corps. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the P.R. of China Lyu Fan, Councilor of Culture Liu Wenqiu, and Hilario García, owner of AurumRed winery.

Below: certificate signed by the procurator of the exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence (signature not shown for privacy reasons).

(In the version for cell phones, and depending on your screen, these last references may be modified).

       He held a solo exhibition at the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy. In the place where that exhibition was held, other exhibitions have been held throughout history, the first of which was held by the great master Michelangelo Buonarroti, painter of the Sistine Chapel and sculptor of the Pietà; and director of the Academy at the time.


      He has been awarded «La Estrella de Oro» for professional excellence at the Westin Palace Hotel in Madrid in recognition of his work in the art world. The entity that grants this mention is the Excelentia Foundation under the sponsorship of the Ministry of the Interior and the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain.



     He exhibited his works at renowned art fairs, exhibiting wall to wall with internationally acclaimed artists such as Dalí, Picasso, Tápies, Barcelò and Bores, among others; at fairs such as Red Dot Miami or Art Marbella.


      In June 2015 it became part of the permanent collection of Carmen Cervera (Thyssen Bornemisza Collection). This work is in the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum in Madrid. Thus being one of the few living artists and the youngest to enjoy such an honor.


     On December 14, 2017, Alberto hand-delivered the work Pietà to His Holiness Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome, at Casa Santa Marta (Domus Sanctae Marthae), Vatican City. This fact is of great importance for the artist’s career, as he is one of the youngest living artists to have works of art in the Vatican Collection. The work is currently housed in the Apostolic Palace (the Pope’s official residence in the Vatican), just fifty meters from the Sistine Chapel.

     Currently, the artist has taken a leap into the business world. Together with other people, galleries of extreme professionalism and prestige, the next step of great necessity is developed to cover, in the most professional way and with the highest quality, all the artistic projects.

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